
Representations matter.
And they matter even more when you are portrayed like a zombie and your city is reduced to debris. Representations matter precisely because meaning is never completely fixed and therefore, as artists, we must actively participate in the struggle over meaning.

“The Dead Zone”, “the ghost city”, “the capital of crime”, “the ruin”, these are some of the terms used to talk about Detroit, all of them are ahistorical and biased, but so convenient to urban speculators who present themselves in Detroit as saviors of a “hopeless” metropolis, while Detroiters are blamed when not completely erase from the equation. So, Detroiters are not only fighting the violence of the State and the market but also facing the violence of misrepresentations.
    In that context, CaldodeCultivo created the film Detroiters aiming to respond to these violences

with the “creative violence” of the spoken word, and to build a powerful representation of the city through the faces and voices of real Detroiters, who use their body and words as political and poetic weapons.
    Detroiters is a polyphonic narrative of a particular city, but it is also the portrait of the contemporary city, a scenario of experimentation of increasingly radical forms of impoverishment, segregation, and displacement. Hence it becomes necessary to explore the political cry, the rhymes, and the rhythm that prepares us for the battle.


IRA — Radical Afro Imagination
Dialogue between Halima Cassells (Detroit)
and Liliana Angulo (Bogota)

Detroit Poetry Society
(Sheezy Bo Beezy,
Domino La3,
Rocket Man,
Gabrielle Knox),
Deonte Osayande,
Halima Cassells,
Tawana Petty,
Bryce Detroit,
Billy Mark,
Underground Resistance
(John Woodward,
Cornelius Harris,
Mark Flash,
Blaktony Horton,
De’sean Jones),
Marsha Battle,
Mav One.

Unai Reglero,
Gabriela Córdoba Vivas,
Guillermo Camacho.

Underground Resistance
This project have been possible thanks to the NEW MUSEUM IdeasCiy Detroit residency, and a posterior residency at Poops Packing Detroit.